Eddy Current Testing
Remote Field Testing
Near Field Testing

- More than 20 years of verifiable experience in all the required techniques
- Last generation technology
- Operational efficiency and innovative solutions
- Headquarters in United States and Latin America
- 100% own equipment
- Continuous staff training with ASNT certificates
- 24-hour attention for emergencies
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+1 305 923 2450
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our Services
Leaders in non-destructive testing
API653 – Complete Aboveground Tank Storage Inspection Services
MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage) – Tank Bottom Inspection
Crawler Scoprion B-Scan – Shell and Roof Inspection
Phased Array – Welds Inspection
R-Scan – Pipelines and Niples inspection
Heat Exchangers, Air Coolers, Boilers and Condensers Tubing Inspection Service
Non-Ferrous Alloy Tubes HSECT (High Speed Eddy Current Testing)
Ferrous Alloy Tubes RFT (Remote Field Testing)
Alluminium Fin Fan Tubes NFT (Near Field Testing)
Hydrokinetic Flushing, Hydraulic Test, Bundle Extraction, Assembly and Dis-Assembly with Hytork Tools.
Isolated, Aerial or Underground pipelines inspection service
Mapping the pipeline corrosion remotely from a single point
GWT (Guided Waves Testing)
Welds Defect detection
Phased Array– Digital Radiography RX- Crack defect detection – Eddy Current Array -Corrosion under supports – SRUT (Short Range Ultrasonic Testing). Interior and exterior cleaning with automated Remote Hydrokinetic system
API510 - Pressure Vessels UT B-Scan Remote Inspection
Remote inspection at height with B-Scan Ultrasound system, without the need for scaffolding.
Crawler Scorpion B-Scan for Shell and Heads.
UT Phased Array for Welds.
Eddy Current Array for Crack detection.
Digital Radiography RX.
Inside and outside Hydrokinetic Cleaning
Reaconditioning, Inspection and Cleaning for Tubing and Casing
Inspection, cleaning and reaconditioning of Tubing and casing pipes by NDT methods and state of the art cleaning systems. Certification and classification according to the stablished acceptance-rejection criteria.
Inspections in the aeronautical industry
Eddy Current Array for detection of Surface and Sub-surface cracks in critical parts and bolt holes, according to international standards and airplane regulations.
Phased Array and High Resolution Boroscopy.
Plant survey and maintenance planning
Engineering and mechanical integrity
Predictive Maintenance Service and Asset Maintenance Management. RBI and HAZOP methodologies. Risk analysis, failure and fitness for service. Mechanical calculations.

Hydrokinetic tube cleaning


Remote Access UT B-Scan to ferromagnetic structures without the need of scaffolding or work at height. Displaceable vertically, horizontally and even inverted. Can inspect pipelines, tanks, pressure vessels and surfaces from 2,5mm up to 100mm wall Thickness, even through coatings without damage.
UT Crawler Scorpion
B-Scan System

Ergonomic hand scanner UT A-Scan and B-Scan with dry couple technology. Data in real time, Ferrous and non-Ferrous materials. Able to measure from 2,5mm up to 100mm walll Thickness.
UT R-Scan System

Scan A, Scan B, Max / Min thicknesses, etc. Inspections in tubes with complex geometries. Measurement of wall thicknesses remaining in coated materials.
Conventional UT

Tank bottom corrosion mapping Report of failures from 0 to 100% loss of thickness in ranges of 1%. Inspection with coatings up to 6 mm thick without inconvenience. Quicker and more efficient than other conventional techniques.
MFL (Magnetic
Flux Leakage)

Quick and automated scanning of tank, pressure vessel, pipe and equipment sheet welds without removing the liners. Service for the detection of fissures, fissures and / or corrosion in connection flanges.
Phased Array

Crack and fissure detection Multilayer corrosion inspection. Coating thickness and conductivity measurement.
ECAT (Eddy Current
Array Testing)

Define with certainty what pressure the pipes can withstand. Ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic tube inspection Detection of failures due to stress corrosion and microbiological attack.

Ability to inspect Inaccessible Areas Only local access to the surface is required. Quick mapping for in-service diagnostics. Avoid Removing and re-installing insulation and / or coatings.
GWT (Guided Wave

High resolution X-ray imaging failure analysis. Real-time analysis. Allows you to see the internal structure of an object and detect corrosion and other anomalies
Digital Radiography
with X-Ray Tubes

Detection of surface defects of any non-porous material, such as metals, plastics or ceramics. It is possible to detect discontinuities such as: -Fatigue cracks -Hydrogen-induced cracks -Cracks due to stress corrosion

Detects surface and sub-surface defects in ferrous parts. They can be used to detect and characterize defects such as: cracks, peeling, seams, porosities, bumps, casting interruptions, hot tears, unfused elements, etc.

Visual detection method for quality control of areas that human eyes cannot directly observe, special areas such as vessels, the inner part of the non-dismountable equipment pipe, the inner surface of the pipe space, the surface of the liquid, etc
Industrial borescopy
and videoscopy

Tests to guarantee the quality of your metallic materials. It is possible to determine the quality and resistance of the analyzed materials and to identify the damages in a structure or to estimate the useful life of these.
Metallographic replicas

Tank Floor Annular Plate Inspection Concrete Liner Interface Inspection Inspection under pipe supports Pipe interfaces Scanning under ship supports
SRUT (Short Range
Ultrasonic Testing)

Identification of accumulation of solids in tanks, vessels under pressure, pipes and accessories, etc. Detection of internal and external leaks.
Thermography and gas
leak detection

Attention 24 hours in field emergencies. We know how important it is to characterize a failure in time